
Matthew’s Story

“Now I really feel like I’m back to living my life again.”

Recognizing depression symptoms and warning signs

I noticed I’d been feeling down almost every day for weeks. It just wasn’t like me. Everything felt overwhelming, and I didn’t see how things would get better. I was struggling at a job that I used to really love. My boss wasn’t happy with me and put me on notice. At home, I was more irritable with my wife, snapping over little things. I used to love going out to eat with friends and going on walks with my wife, but now I just wished that I could avoid everything and everyone.

My friends and family were worried about me, but they didn’t understand what I was going through. I realized I was really stuck and needed some help. I talked with my primary care doctor, who asked me some questions about my mood and suggested seeing a mental health therapist.

Getting therapy for depression

I worked with a therapist over the next couple of weeks using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). I was initially skeptical because I had never had mental health treatment, but it turned out that it was really helpful to take that first step and talk about what I was going through. We worked one-on-one, and they helped me learn skills for coping with stress and breaking out of my negative thinking patterns.

One day at a time, I was able to understand why I felt the way I was feeling and work to move in a more positive direction. I started doing things I used to love again. I became more engaged at work. I started taking walks again and even planned a night out with friends. I felt less alone and much more hopeful about the future. I could start being the husband and the friend I wanted to be.

Feeling hopeful for the future

After a month or two, I felt like I was doing better. My scores on a depression measure had improved. My therapist and I agreed on a plan for me to use my new skills to manage my mood and stay on track. I can always go back to see the therapist again if I feel like I get stuck, but right now, I really feel like I’m back to living my life again.

Mental health resources

Mental health resources

Find options for therapy for depression and other mental health resources.

Find options for therapy for depression and other mental health resources.