Learn how you can apply or renew your coverage
We know finding the right health care provider is important. Save time and money with providers who are included in your network.
We know that finding a doctor, hospital, lab, mental health professional, and other heath care providers is important. Save time and money by choosing providers already in your network.
Doctor's office: for routine checkups such as minor illnesses like cold, flu, earaches, preventive care, immunizations, or chronic care.
Virtual health: for at-home care for minor illnesses, like cold, flu, and earaches. Or for when you can't see your doctor. Set up a virtual health account at Well360VirtualHealth.com so that you're ready to go when your child needs care.
Urgent/express care: for urgent but not life-threatening care like mild or minor asthma/breathing conditions, flu, and cold.
Emergency room: for serious, life-threatening conditions, or ones that involve severe pain.
Virtual & In Person Mental Health Visits for children six years and older: use Mental Well-Being Powered by Spring Health for therapy visits, medication management, and online courses at Spring Health.
The prescription drug list — or formulary — shows which drugs are covered by each insurance plan. A drug's formulary status may affect how much you pay for each drug. Your prescription drug list depends on the plan you select. Read each plan's summary to determine which applies to your plan.
Your CHIP plan also has coverage for over-the-counter (OTC) allergy medicines when your child's doctor provides a prescription for them. This list tells you which OTC drugs are covered.
Easily find optometrists, optical shops, and ophthalmologists.
View your child's member account online. After logging in, select "Find a provider" from the menu. You can also call Davis Vision at 1-800-999-5431.
Easily find a general or pediatric dentist, dental hygienist, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, and orthodontist.
Learn how you can apply or renew your coverage
Learn how you can apply or renew your coverage