two adults riding on pedal bikes on a dirt road within a sunny field

Easing Pre-Retirement Anxiety

Retirement is supposed to be a reward for decades of hard work. But retirement can also be full of stress and anxiety. Not knowing what the future holds may leave you fearful. Have I saved enough money? What will my health care look like?

If you notice your anxiety rising, remember that you’re not alone. U.S. Census data shows that there are 47.8 million Americans aged 65 and older. As the number of people retiring continues to grow, more resources and support become available.

Before pre-retirement stress gets the best of you, take these steps to make sure you enjoy your golden years:

Learn what to expect in retirement

One way to reduce pre-retirement anxiety is to educate yourself about retirement. Nervous about health care? Learn about Medicare and the enrollment process. Worried about your retirement finances? Review your personal savings and plan your retirement budget. The more you know, the better you’ll feel about retiring.

Break retirement planning into smaller steps

The idea of preparing for retirement can be overwhelming. Experts at recommend approaching retirement planning the same way you would tackle a project at work. Break big goals into smaller ones and focus on one task at a time. Set deadlines for yourself to keep the process moving.

Ask for help from a licensed Medicare advisor

You don’t have to plan for retirement alone. Financial planners and insurance agents can help you prepare. A certified retirement coach can guide you through the mental, social, physical and financial aspects of retirement. And a licensed Medicare advisor can help you decide on the best Medicare plan for you. You may also ask recently retired friends and family for recommendations and advice.

Ease the transition by focusing on what you like to do

Retirement often brings with it a loss of identity. To prevent that feeling, the American Psychological Association suggests that you focus on what you like to do when you’re not working. If you have children, grandchildren, like to travel, play golf or spend time in your garden think about how to plan so you can enjoy the things you love to do. And the people you love to spend time with.

Consider working after retirement with a bridge job

You may find that you are ready to step back from a full-time career. But not quite ready to stop working altogether. A bridge job can be a great transition between your career and retirement. It will help you make new friends, provide income and postpone your need to spend your savings. Talk to a Medicare advisor for more suggestions. Think about your career strengths and personal interests to find a bridge job you like.

When you are ready to learn about the role of Medicare in your retirement, schedule a personal consultation with a Highmark Licensed Medicare Advisor or call 855-581-3472 (TTY users may call 711) October 1 - March 31, 8 am - 8 pm, 7 days a week; April 1 - September 30, 8 am - 8 pm Monday through Friday..

 Learn how to ease pre-retirement anxiety

Learn how to make the most of your hard work and ease into retirement with a Medicare plan that’s just right for you.
