Segment President of Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware
Nick Moriello is the Segment President of Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware, assuming the role in August of 2018.
Before joining Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware, Mr. Moriello ran his own agency, Health Insurance Associates (HIA). Under his leadership, HIA grew to be one of the largest independent health insurance agencies in the tri-state area of Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, serving the regional community for over 40 years. In January of 2016, Mr. Moriello merged HIA with Savoy, a regional general agency and wholesaler headquartered in northern New Jersey, and Ascela, a regional retail insurance agency.
Mr. Moriello has a strong commitment to Delaware's businesses and communities. He is a 14-time recipient of the NAHU Leading Producers Round Table's highest award, the Lifetime & Qualifying Soaring Eagle, and he received the NAIFA 2013 Carl Hill Memorial Award for dedication to the industry and community.
Mr. Moriello completed The Wharton School's "Leading to a Higher Mark" program, is a LUMA Institute Certified Practitioner of Human-Centered Design, and a Registered Health Underwriter (R.H.U.) from the American College. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Management, Summa Cum Laude, from DeSales University.
He and his wife, Carissa, have one daughter, Maddalyn.
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