Check out our enrollment guide to learn more.
Health plans designed for Delawareans
Maybe it’s your first time here. Maybe you’ve been with us for a while. Either way, take a peek at our benefits below to see why we’re such a good fit.
No referrals
See a specialist when you want, no referral needed.
Worldwide coverage
Peace of mind knowing you’re covered across Delaware and beyond.
Local support
A dedicated team to answer all your questions.
Community commitment
Delawareans have counted on Highmark for over 80 years.
Virtual visits
Get the care you need from anywhere.
Low-cost care
Save with low deductibles and low copays.
The benefits don't stop there.
The benefits don't stop there.
Check out our enrollment guide to learn more.

Help is always here.
Find care near you.
Find care near you.
Search for in-network care close to home or across the country with our handy Find a Doctor tool.
Search for in-network care close to home or across the country with our handy Find a Doctor tool.
More options for coverage
We'll help you find a plan that checks all your boxes.
ACA plans
Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans cover individuals, families, and businesses. You buy an ACA plan on your own, rather than through your employer or a government program.
Medicare plans
If you’re approaching 65 or eligible for Medicare, we’ll help you understand the Medicare basics and choose a plan that has everything you need.
Plans for your business
Get coverage for your team that works just as hard as they do. We understand that every company is different, and we’ll help you find a plan that keeps everyone happy and healthy.

Watch our videos
These quick clips will help you learn more about our plans.
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