
Highmark BCBS Delaware BluePrints for the Community

In 2007, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware established BluePrints for the Community, a grant program to help address the issues faced by Delaware's uninsured and underserved populations. The program was established as a donor-advised fund at the Delaware Community Foundation, a nonprofit organization that manages and administers charitable funds throughout Delaware. From inception through 2022, over 300 grants totaling more than $28 million have been awarded.

Grant proposals should aim to increase access to care and/or reduce health disparities through a program or project that falls within one of these five focus areas:

  1. Healthcare Access
    For example: preventative care, disease specific, health literacy, research, etc.
  2. Economic Stability for families and individuals
    For example: financial resources strains, food insecurity, housing stability, etc.
  3. Social and Community Context
    For example: mental health, physical activities, social connections, etc.
  4. Neighborhood and Built Environment
    For example: safety, transportation, environmental health, infrastructure, etc.
  5. Health Workforce
    For example: training, upskilling, further education, provider practice improvements, etc.


Request for Funding


  • Applying organization must be an incorporated not-for-profit 501c3 or community-benefit government agency, such as libraries, parks, public school districts.
  • BluePrints for the Community does not award grants to individuals.
  • Applicants must disclose any conflict of interest due to representation by their organization on the BCBSD Advisory Council or Board of Directors or the Delaware Community Foundation Board of Directors.
  • Organizations who have received BluePrints grants in the past, or have open applications in process, may still apply for funding for a different program or project. While there are no restrictions on number of applications or awards received, application and funding history are taken into consideration.

Large Grants Process

The BluePrints for the Community Large grant process is for requests above $50,000. For requests under $50,000, please continue to the ‘Small grant process’ information below. Requests that exceed $200,000 require a meeting with BluePrints representatives prior to submission. Applications must be submitted through the Delaware Community Foundation.

BluePrints for the Community Schedule

Submissions for the BluePrints for the Community must be received no later than 11:59 pm on the due dates provided in this BluePrints for the Community Schedule (PDF download).* Dates are approximate and subject to change.

Small Grant Process

The BluePrints for the Community Small grant process is for requests below and up to $50,000. These are reviewed on a rolling monthly basis with decisions announced the following month. Applications must be submitted through the Delaware Community Foundation. Small Grants may not be used as supplemental or gap funding for Large grants requests.

Past Special Grant Cycles

Social Determinants of Health Grant
In 2020, we gave nearly $2 million to 17 organizations that had programs and projects focused on a variety of social determinants of health, from housing and homelessness to food insecurity and access to care.

Opioid Grant
In 2019, we made a $1 million commitment to addressing the opioid epidemic and contributed $1.2 million to eight community partners.

Questions? Contact BluePrints for the Community representatives